People honking on roads is nothing new.... But when you see an accident on the road, people bruised, hurt, in pain, lying on the road and people honking at them to move away and clear the road, you feel shocked and surprised.
The other day I was on my way home from work, when I witnessed an accident on the road. A family on a motorcycle and a car got bumped. The family consisted of a young man in his early twenties riding without a helmet, his wife and between them squeezed a small child, barely some months old.
As I was a witness to the accident, I know that it was the fault of the motorcycle rider who at the end moment decided to take a left turn without even bothering to look who was coming from behind. It did not help that his bike did not have any rear view mirrors.
After the accident, I along with some other people got to the accident site and tried to help the couple. The baby along with them, by God's grace did not suffer from any major injuries. Just a few bruises. So people stopped and got out of their cars to help, but there were others, who were busy honking from their cars, looking from the tinted windows having no feeling for the people lying on the road ,hurt.
Have people lost their conscience, humanity or any feeling which a human being should possess?
Don't we figure ourselves in the position of others, who are hurt or suffering? Accidents can happen to anyone. How would you have felt when you lie hurt on the road and no one stopping for you to help? It can happen to anyone... Life is full of uncertainties.
I am from a place where such incidents result in people running for help, people who are considerate.
Coming home, I could not get that incident out of my mind. It might be something we encounter everyday of our lives, but its only a matter of chance that we are the spectator and not on the other side... So lets try to be some more humane and considerate...
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